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Shop songmics stainless steel clothes drying rack bonus sock clips foldable for easy storage gullwing space saving laundry rack ullr52bu
Shop for songmics stainless steel clothes drying rack bonus sock clips foldable for easy storage gullwing space saving laundry rack ullr52bu

SONGMICS Stainless Steel Clothes Drying Rack, Bonus Sock Clips, Foldable for Easy Storage, Gullwing Space-Saving Laundry Rack ULLR52BU

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Color: Silver


  • AIR-DRY NATURALLY: Sunshine takes moisture away, fresh air flows through sheets, dress, suit and baby clothes on the drying rack; the whole family will enjoy the lovely scent of air-dried laundry
  • STAINLESS STEEL RODS: Premium stainless steel for better rust resistance; thickened tube ensures enhanced stability; max. load capacity of 33 lbs
  • LARGE DRYING AREA: 2 tiers and 24 rods provide large drying area; 27 clips for socks, tanktops, etc; adjustable height up to 48" for your long coats
  • FOLDABLE FOR EASY STORAGE: Fold the drying rack down to a flat of 23.8" x 42.5" x 2.9" for easy storage and transport; tuck it out of sight between uses to save space
  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: SONGMICS provides you with customized and professional customer service before and after your purchase. What are you waiting for? Enjoy it right now!

Publisher: SONGMICS

Details: Here are ten reasons why you should choose this folding drying rack:1.Premiumstainlesssteelensuresnomorebendingandbetterrustresistanceforbothindoorandoutdooruse;2.Twoshelvesforflat-dryingsweaters,shirtstoretaintheirshape;nomoreworriesaboutstretchingandwrinkles;3.24rodsholdover20clotheswithmax.uniformloadcapacityof33lbs,meetingdryingneedsofyourwholefamily;4.27clipsmadeofhigh-qualityPPforsmallarticles;5.Adjustableheightupto48"(122cm)forlongcoats;6.Robuststeelyetalightweightof6lbsallowforeffortlessassemblyandtransport;7.A-shapedesignandenlargedbaseforenhancedstability;8.Widegapbetweenrodsallowairflow,saygoodbyetomildewedsmellytowels;9.Simpleassembly-Justtightenthescrewsandassemblyiscompleted;10.FoldabledesignlaysflattofitinanyfunctionalstoragespacewhennotinuseSaveyourtime,energy,electricityandmoneyonlaundrySearchnomore-Getthisdryingrackandenjoythefreshandlovelyscentofair-driedlaundry!<

EAN: 6955880372577

Package Dimensions: 42.0 x 23.8 x 2.0 inches